The latest 2015 Pevsner guide to Suffolk West says of Old Street in Haughley: "Nos 32-34 Old Street are late C16, refronted in the early C18, with two Gibbs surrounds."
However, the Historic England listing here says "possible earlier core" and later "This building is believed to have been a Town-house in C18, and previously a guildhall. However, its construction appears to post-date the dissolution of the guilds in 1545." So, unlikely that the building we see was the Guildhall but a possibility that the the older core was part of one before the building changed significantly over time.
Thanks to the late Patrick Taylor for pointing me in the right direction on this one.
A photograph of the building is shown below:
However, the Historic England listing here says "possible earlier core" and later "This building is believed to have been a Town-house in C18, and previously a guildhall. However, its construction appears to post-date the dissolution of the guilds in 1545." So, unlikely that the building we see was the Guildhall but a possibility that the the older core was part of one before the building changed significantly over time.
Thanks to the late Patrick Taylor for pointing me in the right direction on this one.
A photograph of the building is shown below:

The extract(s) below are taken from one or more of the following articles in PSIAH (see the Sources page for details of how to access).
Morley, C., 1926, A check-list of the sacred buildings of Suffolk, to which are added Gilds. XIX Part 2, 168-211.
Redstone, V. B., 1904, Chapels, Chantries and Gilds in Suffolk. XII Part 1, 1-87. Has abstracts of 39 gild certificates, 18 in Bury (presumably the 1389 returns). Also details of Ipswich Corpus Christi gild.
Redstone, V. B., 1937. IV. Extracts from wills and other material, showing the history of Suffolk churches, chantries and guilds (Appendix to article published in Proceedings Vol XII). XXIII Part 1, 50-78.
Morley, C., 1926, A check-list of the sacred buildings of Suffolk, to which are added Gilds. XIX Part 2, 168-211.
Redstone, V. B., 1904, Chapels, Chantries and Gilds in Suffolk. XII Part 1, 1-87. Has abstracts of 39 gild certificates, 18 in Bury (presumably the 1389 returns). Also details of Ipswich Corpus Christi gild.
Redstone, V. B., 1937. IV. Extracts from wills and other material, showing the history of Suffolk churches, chantries and guilds (Appendix to article published in Proceedings Vol XII). XXIII Part 1, 50-78.

For information on buildings mentioned in the Pevsner guide to Suffolk in this location see