For Glemsford the second edition wording is the same as the first but James Bettley’s third edition is significantly expanded with the addition of many interesting buildings. Apart from the Church, Pevsner said (p231): “Several houses deserve mention. In Egremont Street to the SW Angel House, timber framed, of the C15, with a corner-post with two excellent angel figures, one of the Archangel Michael".
Starting with the Angel, The Angel Inn (below) is to the fore with Angel House beyond. James Bettley suggests that this may once have been a guildhall:

The corner post as described in the third edition (p252) of Pevsner is “a fine carving of the Archangel Michael with his dragon, and below him a smaller angel with outstretched wings.” (the latter is hard to see here).

The extract(s) below are taken from one or more of the following articles in PSIAH (see the Sources page for details of how to access).
Morley, C., 1926, A check-list of the sacred buildings of Suffolk, to which are added Gilds. XIX Part 2, 168-211.
Redstone, V. B., 1904, Chapels, Chantries and Gilds in Suffolk. XII Part 1, 1-87. Has abstracts of 39 gild certificates, 18 in Bury (presumably the 1389 returns). Also details of Ipswich Corpus Christi gild.
Redstone, V. B., 1937. IV. Extracts from wills and other material, showing the history of Suffolk churches, chantries and guilds (Appendix to article published in Proceedings Vol XII). XXIII Part 1, 50-78.
Morley, C., 1926, A check-list of the sacred buildings of Suffolk, to which are added Gilds. XIX Part 2, 168-211.
Redstone, V. B., 1904, Chapels, Chantries and Gilds in Suffolk. XII Part 1, 1-87. Has abstracts of 39 gild certificates, 18 in Bury (presumably the 1389 returns). Also details of Ipswich Corpus Christi gild.
Redstone, V. B., 1937. IV. Extracts from wills and other material, showing the history of Suffolk churches, chantries and guilds (Appendix to article published in Proceedings Vol XII). XXIII Part 1, 50-78.

For information on buildings mentioned in the Pevsner guide to Suffolk in this location see