The old gildhall is No 34 Market Hill and is now shops and offices. It is mentioned by Pevsner but not noted as a former gildhall. In the first edition he says “No 34 is half hidden by trees and more than half spoiled by alterations.It must once have had a fine front of c. 1660 - 70. Red brick, nine bays, with three dormers with the typical semicircular and steeply triangular pediments of that date. Parapet partly balustraded”. James Bettley's third edition refers to it as The Mansion House built on the site of the Guildhall.
It is Grade II* listed here where it is referred to as "The Guildhall" but then goes on to say it is of late c16 core; built on the site of the hall of the Guild of St Mary by Simon Pulham, who acquired the site with the old building on it in 1564. The PSIAH list (downloadable from the References page) shows only the gild of the Virgin Mary in Framlingham and notes the gildhall was rebuilt in 1584 - after the dissolution of the monasteries and the closing of the gilds which makes it rather unlikely.
The picture of the text above was taken from a Framlingham website years ago but does not seem to be there now.
The back of the building is visible from the churchyard of St Michael’s and is shown below so it is adjacent to, and accessible from, the church.
It looks as though "built on the site of" is the nearest we get to a Gildhall here.
It is Grade II* listed here where it is referred to as "The Guildhall" but then goes on to say it is of late c16 core; built on the site of the hall of the Guild of St Mary by Simon Pulham, who acquired the site with the old building on it in 1564. The PSIAH list (downloadable from the References page) shows only the gild of the Virgin Mary in Framlingham and notes the gildhall was rebuilt in 1584 - after the dissolution of the monasteries and the closing of the gilds which makes it rather unlikely.
The picture of the text above was taken from a Framlingham website years ago but does not seem to be there now.
The back of the building is visible from the churchyard of St Michael’s and is shown below so it is adjacent to, and accessible from, the church.
It looks as though "built on the site of" is the nearest we get to a Gildhall here.

The extract(s) below are taken from one or more of the following articles in PSIAH (see the Sources page for details of how to access).
Morley, C., 1926, A check-list of the sacred buildings of Suffolk, to which are added Gilds. XIX Part 2, 168-211.
Redstone, V. B., 1904, Chapels, Chantries and Gilds in Suffolk. XII Part 1, 1-87. Has abstracts of 39 gild certificates, 18 in Bury (presumably the 1389 returns). Also details of Ipswich Corpus Christi gild.
Redstone, V. B., 1937. IV. Extracts from wills and other material, showing the history of Suffolk churches, chantries and guilds (Appendix to article published in Proceedings Vol XII). XXIII Part 1, 50-78.
Morley, C., 1926, A check-list of the sacred buildings of Suffolk, to which are added Gilds. XIX Part 2, 168-211.
Redstone, V. B., 1904, Chapels, Chantries and Gilds in Suffolk. XII Part 1, 1-87. Has abstracts of 39 gild certificates, 18 in Bury (presumably the 1389 returns). Also details of Ipswich Corpus Christi gild.
Redstone, V. B., 1937. IV. Extracts from wills and other material, showing the history of Suffolk churches, chantries and guilds (Appendix to article published in Proceedings Vol XII). XXIII Part 1, 50-78.

For information on buildings mentioned in the Pevsner guide to Suffolk in this location see pevsnersuffolk.co.uk